Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Connecting the Generations: The Importance of Intergenerational Activities

Intergenerational activities can be a great way to build friendships and community by bringing together people of different ages and backgrounds to explore and work toward a common goal.  New relationships are formed and a new found respect emerges. Some intergenerational activities include youth teaching older adults how to use the computer and Internet, adults mentoring elementary school students, and seniors and children performing together in a community theatre production.

I recently had the opportunity to work on an intergenerational project with a group of seniors at an assisted living center we visit regularly.  To coincide with their “Baseball” theme, residents painted plates to look like baseballs. It was great fun helping with the painting and listening to the light-hearted banter between the participants. Everyone had a wonderful time and lots of great art was created.

Once the plates were painted, they were taken back to the VanGo Studio to be glazed and fired and then delivered back to the residents a few days later. The next part of the project involved students from a nearby middle school – students and senior residents competed in a friendly game of indoor baseball complete with personalized baseball caps and uniforms. Then, using a no-bake ceramic pen, each of the kiddos signed the baseball plates to commemorate the fun event and time spent together. The seniors were the lucky recipients of the plates, displaying them proudly in their rooms.

Being a part of this project was such a great experience for me. Not only was it a fun, creative way to bring different generations together, it made me realize the importance of doing so.

Until next time…    Peace, Love, and Pottery